by Roy W. Scholl, IV

Co-Founding Director Kenny Powell, K9 Sadie, Flanking Coordinator Geoff White, and Flanker Roy Scholl of Central Alabama’s Red Mountain Search Dog Association (RMSDA) attended the Greater Birmingham Humane Society Auxiliary Community Awards Luncheon to accept the Olivia Bearden Award on behalf of the team. The Olivia Bearden Award is presented to an animal and/or service animal organization who have provided an outstanding service to humans. The team was chosen for the award for their dedication for providing law enforcement and other government agencies with highly trained certified search dog teams and ground search personnel for the search for lost or missing persons for the benefit and welfare of their community.
For thirty years the Greater Birmingham Humane Society Auxiliary (GBHSA) has been assisting the Greater Birmingham Humane Society by volunteering and raising money to support The Greater Humane Society and the needs of our animal neighbors throughout our community. The GBHSA members are known to volunteer their time at the Humane Society shelter and are a crucial element of the many annual fundraisers held by the auxiliary including the Jazz Cat Ball, Howl-O-Ween event and Community Awards Luncheon.
Red Mountain Search Dog Association is honored to receive this recognition from a volunteer organization that is also built upon the foundations of service! If you have a passion for pets and the belief that every animal deserves a happy home we hope you will visit their website at to learn more about the organization and seek information about volunteering.
“Without service, we would not have a strong quality of life. It’s important to the person who serves as well as the recipient. It’s the way in which we ourselves grow and develop.” – Dr. Dorothy Height